Senin, 19 September 2011

Hi There !

To day, Tuesday, 20 September 2011, there is a visit from our Rector to UPI Kampus Serang.The visit  contradicts with our schedule. However, to make you use your time, please study the latest article I posted  (how children learn language). I want you to make a summary from that article in Bahasa Indonesia. A power point presentation would be much appreciated. This is an individual task. So each of you should show me 2 tasks:
  1. Language Acquisition in a metric form
  2. A summary from " how children learn language"
You can write down your task in your book for the task 1. For the task 2 you can do in  two ways you choose. You can do in your book or you can show me your power point presentation in your laptop.


23 komentar:

  1. Assalamu'alaikum sir,
    I'm Trisna from 1E..
    I'm confused with task number 1, which part in the aquisition of language to make a matrix? Right the matrix similar to with table?ith task number 1, which part in the aquisition of language to make a matrix? Right the matrix similar to with table?

  2. Hi sir, i;m Intan Permata Sari from 1 B . Thank you . ^.^

  3. Hi Trisna, buat matrik dgn elements: strategies children use, motivational factors, explanation. You can ask others to do this. Pls tell class A,B, on Wed I will be away.
    Trisna, Intan,...nice to see you here... ayo belajar yg semangat...!

  4. assalamu'alaikum sir...

    i'm oni nurhayati from 1e

    the finally, i can visit your blog. subhanallah, this blog is interesting...

  5. Hallo, Oni... yes this blog is for motivating you!

  6. assalamu'alaikum sir, i'm Rosyana Sulthona from 1E

    sir i want to ask, do this task using Indonesian or English
    because I saw from the other classes they may use the Indonesian
    how the class E?

  7. Rosyana, you can use Indo or English.

  8. pak sy mau tanyya masalah tugas no1 itu.
    masalah matrik say kurang paham
    dan apakah matrik itu sama dengan tabel

  9. Yossam, Ya matrik itu dalam bentuk kolom/tabel dgn elemen spt di atas.

  10. Hi sir, l'm suparti from 1 B . Thank you . ^.^

  11. hello sir,,
    i'm fatimah from class 1c..

    i as delegation of class 1c want to apologize
    for instance this morning..

    appeal at accepts our apology sir...


  12. hallo sir, ini dewi intan tanara dari kelas 1c
    mohon bimbingan nya
    terima kasih sir

  13. Helo, Fatimah, Dewi from I C, thank you for your sensitive feeling and for asking my apologies. That's all right, however, pls ask your friend to use this blog for learning and tell them to access it regularly.

  14. ass wr wb sir, i'm melati puteri pumori from 1c,
    i wanna ask you about the task . you say the task make a summary in indonesian language ?
    so, i should doing this task use indonesian language sir ? thanks a lot sir..

  15. Assalamualaikum sir, I'm Eka Anistya Rohayati from 1C

  16. assalamu'alaikum..
    hallo sir,
    I'm Laely Farokhah from class 1C.

  17. Assalamualaikum sir.....
    I'm Euis Nurkusniati from 1c

  18. Assalamualaikum ...
    hallo sir,,
    I'm Indah fitriastuti 1D

  19. mohon semua respon terpusat di artikel terakhir : "implikasi ....", hal ini untuk memudahkan jawaban respon. penulisan respon yg menyebar di semua artikel tidak akan diladeni. demikian untuk menjadi perhatian.

  20. hallo sir,,
    i'm neneng santi from 1B
